ACCC Honors Administrative Staff for Administrative Professionals Day

Administrative Professionals Day is celebrated the Wednesday of the last full week of April to recognize the immeasurable contributions of devoted and valued administrative professionals.

The International Association of Administrative Professionals defines administrative professionals as individuals who are responsible for administrative tasks and coordination of information in support of an office-related environment and who are dedicated to furthering their personal and professional growth in their chosen profession.

Thirteen (13) administrative staff are employed by ACCC in four (4) different, unique divisions of the agency’s seven (7) divisions. With incredibly diverse, continually evolving responsibilities and roles among ACCC’s administrative staff, these thirteen (13) are alike in that they wear many hats, exhibit grace under pressure, and often go above and beyond their regular scope of duties for the divisions they support and the agency at large.

In appreciation for all ACCC’s Administrative personnel do behind-the-scenes to maintain office decorum and seamless day-to-day operations, ACCC acknowledges each of their invaluable administrative staff Wednesday, April 27th, for their hard work and unwavering dedication to ensure smooth operations and support staff in any way they can. The work these thirteen (13) staff do is essentially the glue that holds ACCC together. ACCC sees and celebrates you, appreciates you, and could not function efficiently and fulfill its mission and dedication to public safety without each of you.

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